Dancing Angels Raisinette(Shere Country Minstrel X Dancing Angels Apple)--Numerous Twincreeks lines behind this lovely, extremely friendly twin doe kid. She is ready to wean and go to a show/milk home for $150 with AGS papers. Updated photos available upon request. SOLD

Shere Country Madrigal--Twin Creeks Troubador X Dancing Angels Masquerade. Some beautiful show and udder lines behind this dry yearling. She is available for $150 as we used her 3/4 brother in the herd and want to retain several of his daughters. SOLD.

Wethers available like this one for $50.00 at weaning. All SOLD.

Shere Country Minstrel--Twin Creek Troubador X Dancing Angels Little Voice. A very well built, yearling buck who produced several sets of twins his first season. We are retaining several of his daughters who are all level, dairy and flashy with beautiful hindleg sets. SOLD.

Dancing Angels Sasha Fierce--Twincreeks Megapixel X Dancing Angels Bittersweet. Blue-eyed and from very reliable, small, productive lines. She is bred for late summer/early fall kids to Dancing Angels Tempo(2 CH legs)--a very handsome gold and white buck. $200 OBO.
Delivery at no extra charge available to the border between MI's Upper Peninsula and WI, northern WI/MN, or SW MI sometime in May/June. Health certificates are extra.
There is also a ride available to Oregon for any of the listed animals in mid-June to Black Sheep Gathering. Ask for more information. SOLD
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